Sunday, July 19, 2009

Invites and Application Process

Head's up pose makers we've already sent out our first batches of invites! Check your inventories so you wont miss them. Send the following requirements back to Tarsis Gausman and Samara Pennell:

). Create a notecard and name it (store name) for (group name)
2). Fill the notecard with: - Store Name - Owner Name - LM - Logo Full perm (Specify dimentions for web. Please note that we will need it by e-mail also in order to blog it. It is reallyimportant to get it by e-mail too).
3). If you already know the gift you will be giving, please mention.
4). Make it NO MOD
5). Send to Tarsis Gausman and/or Samara Pennell

For those we haven't contacted, please send us your application with the same info mentioned above.

Hunt will go from 15th to 30th of August. Deadline for applications is August 05th.

Please take note of the general rules of admission.

We are looking forward to working with you all.

Madeleine Zenfold