~W E L C O M E T O PRO POSERS 2010 H U N T ~ H U N T O N L Y F O R P O S E S
This hunt has as targets to spread/advertise your store and you as a pose maker, to become more known and for sure give you profits in lindens.
Hunts are like a fever in SL these days! After organizing the first Proposer Hunt for last August 2009, we realized that the first hunt brought excellent results to all of the participating posemakers, because hunters know exactly what they will find, POSES! And it was a success.
>>>>>>>>>>> WHEN?
PROPOSERS HUNT will happen from July 15th to August 5th. Sign up deadline is
July 05th 2010.
>>>>>>>>>>> HOW DOES IT WORK?
Once the starting point is set, each designer will receive the next store landmark that will be placed within the gift. For example, store # 1 will place in the gift box the landmak of the store # 2, store # 2 will place in the gift box the landmark of the store # 3, and so on..until the last one. The landmark and the gift box will be provided by the hunt organizers.
>>>>>>>>>>>THE GIFT
To participate in this hunt you must offer an exclusive gift. You can give as many gifts as you want, with this minimun:
1 couple pose
1 male and 1 female single pose
Pose Prop
The poses or prop MUST be created by you. You have a choice to give as gift an item that is currently sold at your store or create an exclusive item that will only be available for
the duration of the hunt. If you choose to give a current item, you will not be able to sell it during the hunt. After it, you can put it back in sales area.
This hunt is circular, so when participants get to the end, the last landmark wil direct
them to the first location. This way, participants who discover the hunt " by accident", dont need to start it from the beginning to get to your store.
The only way to join this hunt is BY INVITATION (invitation+terms NO MOD) and each store HAS TO read the terms and send back a notecard to accept (if interested).
When we get your answer by notecard, the hunt organizers will send back a confirmation via notecard NO MOD to get both parts protected.
1). Create a notecard and name it
(store name) for (group name)
2). Fill the notecard with:
- Store Name
- Owner Name
- LM
- Logo Full perm (Specify dimentions for web. Please note that we will need it by e-mail
also in order to blog it. It is really important to get it by e-mail too).
3). If you already know the gift you will
be giving, please mention.
4). Make it NO MOD
5). Send to Eros Fenutzini or Samara Pennell
Hunt will go from 15th to 30th of July.
Deadline for applications is July 05th.
Please apply as soon as possible to
ensure successful placement, late
applications will be rejected with no
>>>>>>>>>>> BLOG
Visit our blog for the latest updates and
a complete list of participating pose
Starting from July 15th, we will be featuring every single pose maker on our blog, but for that we need you to send your logo and a picture of your gift by e-mail to:
>>>>>>>>>>> CONTACT
To be included in the hunt RSVP to EROS FENUTZINI or SAMARA PENNELL with the notecard we mentioned above.
>>>>>>>>>>> WHAT HAPPENS NEXT?
Once we have received and reviewed your application you would be contacted and invited to join PROPOSERS group and futher notices will be sent advising what you need to do
closer to hunt start date.
The PROPOSERS GROUP is a different group and has some rules and objectives also. It will be explained to you in the moment of the invitation.
Any further question or concerns contact EROS FENUTZINI or SAMARA PENNELL.